CleanStat Booking Step 1 of 6 16% Late nights at work preventing you from keeping your apartment tidy? Too busy taking the kids to school, practices, and playdates to vacuum the floors? We know life can be crazy and unpredictable, and when you’re tired and overworked, the last thing anybody wants to do is clean their home. Whatever the reason you’re looking for home cleaning help, CleanQwik has you covered.Pick Your Service* Inside Cleaner Outside Cleaner SELECT SERVICE ADDRESSSELECT PICKUP ADDRESSSuite/AptSELECT DELIVERY ADDRESSSuite/Apt Is This For A Home Or Business?* Home Business When Would You Like To Schedule A Cleaner?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Scheduled For*7AM-9AM8AM-10AM9AM-11AM10AM-12PM11AM-1PM12PM-2PM1PM-3PM2PM-4PM3PM-5PM4PM-6PM5PM-7PM6PM-8PM How Many Bedrooms Are In Your Home?* 1 2 3 or More Contact DetailsName* First Last Phone*Email* Special Instructions*Book a Cleaner Deposit Quantity Price: $35.00 Quantity Credit Card*